7 Conditions for Being a Perfect Bride. It is possible to look perfect at the wedding, by thinking about every detail in advance.
(7 Conditions for Being a Perfect Bride)
You got the marriage proposal, you survived the engagement process, and all that’s left is to crown your love on your most special day with the love of your life.
With only a few days left before the most meaningful “yes” of your life, we have researched the preparation process of brides for you in 7 steps so that you can shine with your best self. What are the brides doing in this process? How should the preparation process be?
(7 Conditions for Being a Perfect Bride)
What should be considered for skin and hair? Check out the following pro tips to look and feel beautiful from the inside out.
(7 Conditions for Being a Perfect Bride)
You may need to define what you want on your wedding day so that everything goes as planned with your spouse.
We don’t want you to get stressed and panic with a plan left to the last minute. For example, your wedding concept, your choice of venue, your hair and make-up, your choice of wedding dress and all the final touches on your physical appearance need to be determined in advance in order for everything to flow.
(7 Conditions for Being a Perfect Bride)
There may be setbacks, but being sure of yourself and knowing what you want can solve everything so that you can be happy even in those setbacks.
Hair, nails, make-up, wedding dress, in short, every piece that completes the bride’s appearance is very important. For this, a good preparation is necessary. We have listed 7 tips for this!
Getting help from professionals on your wedding day can help you have an easier bride-to-be process. You can get help from an organization company for the wedding concept and venue selection; You can get support from a professional hair / make-up artist for your hair and make-up.
(7 Conditions for Being a Perfect Bride)
In addition, if you are thinking of losing weight in the process until the wedding, it may be a good choice to work with a dietitian. If you want to do some beautification steps yourself with all these professional help; Our article is for you.
1- Reflect Your Style
For your wedding look, you should pay attention to the fact that every detail such as wedding dress, hair, make-up reflects your style. For this reason, you should choose the most suitable wedding dress models for you, not for your best friend, mother or bridesmaids.
For example; Apart from classical models, if you have a style that cares about both comfort and elegance, you can choose bohemian wedding dresses.

2- Consider Your Body
Body in wedding dress selection; You should consider facial features in hair and make-up. Because with the right choice in these matters, you can create illusions that will provide a proportional appearance on your body and face.
(7 Conditions for Being a Perfect Bride)
For example; If you have wide hips and your upper body is thin, you can choose A-cut wedding dresses. Because these models can help you highlight your upper body by camouflaging your hips.
3- Attention to Balanced Appearance!
You should pay attention to balance elements such as lips-eyes in make-up, accessories-wedding dresses in wedding dresses, collar type-hairstyle in bridal hair.
For example; If you highlight your lips in bridal makeup, you should avoid exaggeration in eye makeup, if your wedding dress is exaggerated, you should choose simpler models in your accessories, and if your wedding dress’s collar is closed, you should collect your hair.
Paying attention to such points will prevent an exaggerated and complex appearance.

4- Catch Harmony
You may have liked a veil model very much. However, just liking is not enough to use an accessory! You should choose by taking into account the determinants of your wedding dress, style, wedding venue or season. So you can get a harmonious look.
(7 Conditions for Being a Perfect Bride)
For example; The veil and the wedding dress must be the same color. One should not be off-white and the other white. Pay attention to the harmony between the top collar model of the wedding dress and the veil length! If your wedding dress is gaudy and ornate, keep it plain. The fact that both the wedding dress and the veil are too plain or flashy will extinguish each other’s air.
5- Don’t Forget Your Personal Care
Bridal hair and makeup may be the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to personal care in the bridal look. However, pre-wedding personal care includes applications such as manicure-pedicure, skin care, massage and epilation.
These treatments should be done close to the wedding day. Thus, your risk of exposure to broken nails, spilled or damaged nail polish is minimized.
6- Care about your comfort as much as your elegance
For a perfect look on your wedding day, you should also consider your comfort. The discomfort you experience with a shoe in which you can hardly walk or a wedding dress in which you cannot move will also be reflected in your appearance. For this reason, we recommend that you choose the most comfortable one among all the models that suit your taste.
7- Take Care of Your Nutrition
Especially in the last month and a week before the wedding, you should pay attention to your nutrition. You should avoid shock diets in the last month, when your wedding dress is already prepared in accordance with your body. You should not make any changes in your diet for the last week.
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